Chris Thomas: Time-Lines

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A PDF Essay From: The Chris Thomas Files

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There is a great deal of confusion raging over the issue of time and whether there are alternate time-lines at work on Earth and, if so, will these alternate time-lines have any affect on the changes in consciousness we are currently undergoing. To begin with, we need to understand the nature of time and how it affects our lives, whether on Earth or in the Universe beyond. On Earth, we are used to understanding time as being a linear progression. Our Earth revolves around the sun on an orbit that takes a regular, measurable, quantity of time to complete. We take this orbital time as one year. Each year is sub-divided in ways which depend upon the amount of sunlight received by regions of the planet…these are the four seasons.

Next, the Earth revolves on its own axis, producing periods of day light and periods of darkness, called night. We have divided this regular day-time/night-time pattern into 24 hours, each hour being divided into 60 minutes which are further sub-divided into 60 seconds. So, as far as the inhabitants of Earth are concerned, time is divided into a series of regular units which count off the time-span of our lives. Ultimately, this form of measurement and division is dependent on light and the speed at which it travels. In our solar system, light has been measured to travel at 30,000,000 metres per second or 186,000 miles per hour…or thereabouts. However, we live in a solar system which is unique and the speed at which light travels is not the constant that scientists like to think it is once we leave the solar system.

Time As An Energy

To begin to understand how everything fits together, we have to step away from the limited scientific ways of gaining knowledge and turn to the “memory” that is a fundamental part of the structure of this Universe. This “memory” is more usually called “The Akashic”. The Akashic contains the record of everything that has ever occurred within this Universe. As someone who has the ability to access this record keeping aspect of the Universe, the author has spent thirty years exploring this information source to try to find answers to the problems we have been encountering on Earth. When it comes to understanding the workings of the Universe, the Akashic is a totally reliable source and is totally contradictory to the way in which scientists have theorised its workings over the centuries.

We live in an energetic Universe. This means that all that we see in the night skies is comprised of energy. The same applies to Earth. Everything we think of as being physical is not actually solid but, comprised of energy. Our brains and senses work in such a way as to make us believe that we live in a physical world whereas, all is energy of different, and differing, frequencies which our brains interpret as being solid. In this sense, we tend to experience time as a solid thing…one second follows another as the Earth revolves and the sky darkens or lightens. Time “feels” physical to us.

However, if we step outside of our solar system, everything begins to change. Light travels at different speeds and, therefore, our perception of time alters and linear measurements of time do not necessarily apply…and certainly do not apply in the way in which we measure time on Earth. If it were possible to stand at a point which was at the centre of the Universe, we would see time as two energy spirals…one stretching behind us, back in time and, one stretching in front of us which would represent the future. If we had sufficient energy potential, we could travel backwards in time but, we could not travel forwards…we cannot travel to a time which does not yet exist.

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Quantum Physics’ Alternate Universes

Most of the explanations provided by scientists are based on the world being a physical place as theorised by Isaac Newton in the 1700’s. Science sees the conditions that exist on Earth and tries to apply those same conditions to the Universe as a whole. The scientific view began to change about 100 years ago when they started to explore that which exists at levels below the size of an atom. The term “quantum” means the smallest quantity of some physical attribute that a process or system contains.

In this new realm, everything that they thought applied to the world had to be newly explored and understood. As far as science is concerned, the quantum world bears little resemblance to the world outside, the world they thought they understood. As their exploration of the quantum progressed, they began to develop new theories to make their experiments explainable. One thing they did find was that the scientist could create his own reality. If a scientist “thought” that light travelled in particles, his experiments “proved” that light travelled in particles. If a scientist believed that light travelled in waves, his experiments “proved” that it travelled in waves. In other words, the experimenter “created” his own reality.

The experiments and observations carried out into quantum phenomena showed, time and time again, that it is what the scientist believed the outcome would be that determined what actually happened. This led to a great deal of theorising about how the world, and the Universe at large, actually works. As they daydreamed about the nature of reality and how the scientist could create their own, they began to postulate about “alternate” realities. Quite why they should do this is not explained given that they have not even begun to understand our current reality.

Essentially, scientists studying the quantum world started thinking about their experiments. If what I think is going to occur does occur, what happens to all of the answers received by other scientists? To try to make sense of this, they came up with the idea that every scientist’s experiment formed its own reality and these alternate realities must exist somewhere. If the nature of the Universe is determined by how someone thinks it works, then, all of the other theories must create a universe of their own. And, if new universes were created, then, there must be different time-lines running parallel to ours. So this is how the concept of alternate, parallel universes arose and, how the concept of alternate and parallel time-lines fitted in with it.

The alternate, parallel universe concept runs something like this:
If I am faced with making a decision, I consider all of the possible alternate options I am aware of. I consider all of these alternative answers and choose one which I believe will work and, then, act on it. Taking action on my decision fits into the current time-line. But, what of all of the alternate options that I rejected? Each of those answers were viable in some way and could have resolved the problem I needed to decide on. Therefore, each possible option could lead to a different solution to the problem and, that alternative solution must exist somewhere…which runs on its own independent time-line. This, obviously, does not encroach on our current time-line, therefore, it must exist in an alternate universe!

The author’s own research into this theory would indicate that it is a hangover from too many post-conference alcoholic beverages.

To return to reality and the Akashic…

To continue reading (it’s eight pages), download the PDF version HERE.

[Note: This PDF was originally posted on The Spirit Guides UK website on August 23, 2011.]

2 thoughts on “Chris Thomas: Time-Lines

    bereavedandbeingasingleparent said:
    January 6, 2019 at 8:24 PM

    I was going to do a blog about Quantum Physics, Temporal Paradoxes and Doughnut Universe theory. But since you have covered the subject so well I will scrap that and do one about Spongebob instead.

    Liked by 2 people

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