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Hell Is Freezing Over Day

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National Today
Image Credit: National Today

This isn’t a National Day but, it is a recognized day…of some such celebration. I had to laugh when I saw this one. I like the weird and funky day observations. ~Vic

While we don’t know who created this cold holiday, it must have been someone who finally saw the unthinkable happen. All of us have used it multiple times in our lives. Hell freezing over has also been referenced in popular culture and is the name of the Eagles album that was released in 1994. In an interview, when one of the band members [Don Henley…1980] was asked when they will reunite again, after they announced their break, he said, “When hell freezes over…” implying that a reunion was highly unlikely. They did, however, get back together after a 14-year break and, thus, their second live album was named “Hell Freezes Over.” It was also used in a speech at the United Nations in 1962 by the late Adlai Stevenson ’22.

National Today

Every January 31st, hell freezes over. At least, that’s what Hell Is Freezing Over Day suggests. This holiday must have been created by someone who witnessed something they believed would never happen. After all, the phrase “when hell freezes over” is used to describe the improbability of an event occurring. It’s an idiom that originated in the 19th century and has remained popular well into the 21st century. [It] was first coined in Middle American English to describe an unlikely event. During this time, hell was depicted as one of the hottest places in the universe and a plane of reality that would remain hot for eternity. Thus, it would be seen as highly unlikely that it would ever freeze over. Now that we’ve explained the origins of this idiom, we decided to investigate and see if we could uncover the origins of this holiday. Unfortunately, that is just something we couldn’t accomplish.All that we know about this holiday is that it was created sometime after 2001. We still don’t know who invented it or why they did so. I guess we’ll uncover the entire history behind this holiday when hell freezes over.

Holidays Calendar

Holidays Calendar
Image Credit: Holidays Calendar

In honor of what are some of the coldest feeling days of the year for many people who live in northern places, Hell is Freezing Over Day is here so that everyone can share in the misery together. It’s true that it doesn’t always help to complain, because it certainly isn’t going to change anything but, sometimes it makes a difference to remember that no one is alone and everyone feels like hell is actually freezing over. So, get ready to enjoy the day as much as possible and celebrate the fact that winter won’t actually last forever!

Days Of The Year

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Photo Credit: Telegram