United Nations World Wildlife Day

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Rabbits Image One
Photo Credit: Days of the Year

The world is full of amazing creatures from every possible medium. From the birds in the air to the majestic whales of the sea, wildlife abounds in the most unusual and unexpected places. Wildlife benefits us in many ways. World Wildlife Day is a day to remind us of our responsibilities to our world and the lifeforms we share it with. Even though we might like to think so, sometimes, humans aren’t the only living things on Earth. In fact, we’re far outnumbered by other living things, from animals and plants to fungi and bacteria. Wildlife isn’t just something that we passively observe. It’s part of our world and something we need to care for. World Wildlife Day is your chance to celebrate all wildlife, from the smallest insect to blue whales. No matter what you love about wildlife, you can spend the day taking action to help protect it.

On March 3rd, 1973, the United Nations General Assembly took a stand to protect Endangered Species throughout the world. Whether plant or animal, the importance of these species in every area of human life […] could not be understated. At the time, hundreds of endangered species were being threatened every year and extinction was at a staggeringly high rate. CITES was put into place (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) to ensure that the world would not continue to hemorrhage [any] species.

Days of the Year

Foxes Image Two
Photo Credit: Holidays Calendar

Celebrated annually on March 3rd, World Wildlife Day is a holiday that not only celebrates the diversity of the world’s wild flora and fauna but, also raises awareness about the dangers they face due to human activities. Wildlife today faces many different challenges, which include but, are not limited to, loss of habitat, industrialized farming, commercial development, and overgrazing. Poaching and the trafficking of animal hides, tusks or fur, also pose significant risks to several species, including tigers, rhinos and elephants.

While extinction is a natural phenomenon, many scientists estimate that we are losing species at a rate approximately 10,000 times higher than the natural rate of extinction. Animals that had already gone extinct by 2016 include the heath hen, the Caribbean monk seal, the baiji dolphin, the golden toad, the Caspian tiger and the Tasmanian tiger. The most endangered species, as of 2017, are the ivory-billed woodpecker, Javan rhinoceros, western lowland gorilla, the tiger, the Amur leopard, the Chinese giant salamander and the red wolf.

Initially proposed by Thailand at a United Nations General Assembly, World Wildlife Day was established as an international holiday on December 20th, 2013. It was decided that it would be celebrated on March 3rd because that is the day on which the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was adopted.

Holidays Calendar

Lion Image Three
Photo Credit: National Today

What do the orangutans of Borneo, the elephants of Sumatra and the Black Rhino all have in common? Aside from all being totally cool animals that we watch on YouTube, the more sobering truth about these creatures is that they’re all critically endangered species. [On] World Wildlife Day, the UN and its partners are planning to raise awareness of the gravity of this dire situation. An animal is only placed on the critically endangered species list if the International Union for Conservation of Nature believes the animal faces a very high risk for extinction. Russia’s Amur Leopard, found in the far eastern recesses of the country, is on the verge of extinction, with only about 40 left in the world. Unfortunately, this list goes on and on.

National Today

7 thoughts on “United Nations World Wildlife Day

    cindy knoke said:
    March 4, 2024 at 1:19 AM

    Thank you & be well.

    Liked by 1 person

    The Oceanside Animals said:
    March 4, 2024 at 10:12 AM

    Lulu: “Bunnies!!! We have a bunny who lives in the hedge out front. Its ears are a little bit bigger than those bunnies’ ears, the better to hear us with, no doubt …”

    Liked by 1 person

    christiansmusicmusings said:
    March 4, 2024 at 10:31 PM

    Well said. Unfortunately, humans are great at messing up the planet. Sadly, one of the results is the continued extinction of animal species.

    Liked by 1 person

    Dayphoto said:
    March 5, 2024 at 11:20 AM

    BUNNY!!!! We have bunnies….they hop here and there. I never chase them, neither does TLC. Mom says we are good fur kids. Boo Berry

    Liked by 1 person

    doerfpub said:
    March 8, 2024 at 12:34 PM

    Not a general fan of the United Nations General Assembly, but they did get this right. Said it once, said it a thousand times..the world needs more BUNNY pictures!!!

    Liked by 1 person

      bereavedandbeingasingleparent said:
      March 8, 2024 at 9:06 PM

      We get bunnies in the garden. We used to get shed loads of bees and butterflies. Not anymore, last few years the numbers have collapsed. 

      Liked by 1 person

    AA1C said:
    March 11, 2024 at 2:30 AM

    Hello friend, I enjoyed your post. I subscribed. See you often. Have a good day🌙💫🔆😸🌷🍰

    Liked by 1 person

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