Wayback Wednesday: International Webloggers Day 2004

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International Weblogger’s Day, also known as InWeDay, is celebrated on June 14 every year. This unofficial holiday was created to bring together bloggers from around the world and, to promote blogging as a way to express yourself and engage in dialogue with people from different countries and backgrounds.

A blog (short for “weblog“) is an online diary consisting of discrete, often informal entries called posts. Most blogs are primarily textual but, they may include other types of content such as images, videos, music and audio.

The term “weblog” was coined [by Jorn Barger] in 1997 [December 17] and its short form, “blog“, was first used [by Peter Merholz when he playfully broke the word intowe blog“] in 1999. That same year, Pyra Labs launched Blogger, one of the first blog-publishing platforms that allow users to create and run blogs for free without any programming background.

In 2004, around 500 bloggers from over 40 countries supported the idea of creating a holiday that would unite blogging enthusiasts from around the world. The inaugural International Weblogger’s Day was held on June 14, 2004. On the occasion of the holiday, bloggers write special posts for their online diaries. In some cities, special meetings are organized where bloggers can meet “offline”.

Unfortunately, the popularity of International Weblogger’s Day has decreased considerably over the recent years.

Anyday Guide

Peter Merholz (Blog)
Blogs Turn 10 ~ Who’s The Father (CNET News/Declan McCullagh/Anne Broache/March 20, 2007/ Web Archive Version)
It’s The Links, Stupid (The Economist/Special Report/April 22, 2006)
Robot Wisdom Weblog (Jorn Barger/Wayback Machine/August 15, 2000)
Carolyn’s Diary (Early Online Diary/Carolyn Burke/April 1997)
Scripting News (Longest Running Weblog/Dave Winer/September 1997)
Blogger (Created By Three Friends/San Francisco Pyra Labs/August 1999)
Weblog Awards (Bloggies/2001)
WordPress Available Now (First Official Version/Matt Mullenweg/May 27, 2003)
Steve Garfield (Early Video Blog/January 2004)
AOL Snaps Up Weblogs (CNET/Dawn Kawamoto/October 7, 2005)
Full Time Blogger Kottke Throws In The Towel (CNET/Graeme Wearden/February 23, 2006)

2 thoughts on “Wayback Wednesday: International Webloggers Day 2004

    Badfinger (Max) said:
    June 19, 2023 at 9:20 AM

    I never knew about this…damn I would have said something about it.


      The Hinoeuma responded:
      June 19, 2023 at 5:03 PM

      It was a surprise to me. I have various “This Day In History” sites I look at. As long as there have been bloggers, you’d think this thing would be bigger.


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