saltwater fish

National Love Your Pet Day

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Love Your Pet Day Image
Image Credit: National Day Calendar

February 20 has two celebrations. National Love Your Pet Day is, clearly, a national day to love your pet(s)…as if we need a reason or an excuse to shower our fur-babies with adoration or smother them with kisses and hugs. Still, it’s a sweet sentiment to proclaim a national day of rejoicing for our companions or, best friends or, children or, partners. They fulfill so many needs on so many levels that volumes of literature exist that could occupy a very large library.

The statistics on pets in the U.S. is interesting and on the rise. As of March 2017, 68% of all households have a pet(s), up from 56% in 1988. Topping the list, believe it or not, is freshwater fish. All of a sudden, I am seeing Nemo in the aquarium of the dentist’s office. Yeah. I know. Nemo was a saltwater fish but, that is the first thing that popped into my head.

Nemo In The Tank Image Two
Image Credit:

The National Day Calendar folks couldn’t find the creator of this day but, thank you, whomever you are. So, give your pet(s) an extra hug or, a scratch or, a new toy or, treats (they really, really like treats) in celebration. They won’t mind.

The photos, below, are my personal collection. © ~Vic

Ollie Image Three
Oliver the Orange
Clark Image Four
Clark from across the street.
He moved with his family but, he visited with me a LOT.

Pooh Bear Image Five
Pooh Bear the Manx.
March 2008
RIP 2011

Buddy Image Six
Buddy in a box.
May 2005
RIP 2006

Also celebrated today:
National Cherry Pie Day

Cheers and enjoy!